Africans! Jump into Software DevelopmentEven the most complex war situations require the simple solution of both rivalry parties to come to terms on a table. It is not far…Sep 1, 2021Sep 1, 2021
Delegate & Effectively Manage Resources – Business Management Strategies from Jethro & Moses Story…Jethro – Moses father in law was just advising him in this passage after observing Moses business process for just a day. I believe it was…Jan 31, 2021Jan 31, 2021
Impact of AI/ML in African tech growthDoes Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) have growth, development and democratization opportunities in Africa?Jan 24, 2021Jan 24, 2021
Does Bible teaches Business Leaders proven lessons?This story of Moses in Exodus 4–6 speaks so much about the entrepreneurial journey;Jan 23, 2021Jan 23, 2021
Enough of these SCAMs in Africa— Ponzi/MLM/Wonder Bank SchemesI cannot continue to watch fellow citizens getting scammed under an organised fraudulent schemes. Its high time for us to speak up…Sep 1, 2020Sep 1, 2020